Friuli Venezia Giulia

Friuli Venezia Giulia is situated in Italy’s northeast and borders Slovenia and Austria and  overlooks the Adriatic Sea and is surrounded by high mountains, enclosing many different landscapes.

The impressive Carso plateau is formed by windswept rocks, and soil erosion has created a series of caves, hollows and resurgences over time.The mountain sceneries of the Eastern Dolomites are truly spectacular: the Carnia and the Julian Alps, in addition to the lakes, valleys and protected areas.

From its border with Veneto up to Monfalcone, the coast is trimmed with lagoons and has long sandy beaches, with several tourist resorts whereas the coast is rocky, in the stretch from Monfalcone to Trieste .

The Dolomites, that feature on the UNESCO World Heritage site is one of the best areas of Italy for winter sports, but is also charming in the other seasons. Valleys and clear as crystal lakes, cute villages and dense forests are there to be explored.

The city of Trieste is a wonderful place to explore the neoclassical buildings  and also Gorizia and Udine with their medieval castles and historical centres that are delightful to walk around.

The great variety of landscapes matches the rich and variegated cultural heritage that was determined by a complex history and by the confluence of different civilizations in this territory. For this reason, Friuli Venezia Giulia looks like a small universe with many different traditions: it is the “land of contrasts”.